Networking vendors have long offered a functionality for aggregating bandwidth across multiple physical links to a switch. This allows a machine (frequently a server) to treat multiple physical connections to switch units as a single logical link. The standard moniker for this technology is IEEE 802.3ad, although it is known by the common names of trunking, port trunking and link aggregation. The conventional use of bonding under linux is an implementation of this link aggregation.
A separate use of the same driver allows the kernel to present a single logical interface for two physical links to two separate switches. Only one link is used at any given time. By using media independent interface signal failure to detect when a switch or link becomes unusable, the kernel can, transparently to userspace and application layer services, fail to the backup physical connection. Though not common, the failure of switches, network interfaces, and cables can cause outages. As a component of high availability planning, these bonding techniques can help reduce the number of single points of failure.
For more information on bonding, see the
from the linux
source code tree.
Bonding for link aggregation must be supported by both endpoints. Two linux machines connected via crossover cables can take advantage of link aggregation. A single machine connected with two physical cables to a switch which supports port trunking can use link aggregation to the switch. Any conventional switch will become ineffably confused by a hardware address appearing on multiple ports simultaneously.
Example 2.12. Link aggregation bonding
FIXME; Need an experiment here....maybe a tcpdump to show how the management frames appear on the wire.
This Beowulf software page describes in a bit more detail the rationale and a practical application of linux channel bonding (for link aggregation).
Bonding support under linux is part of a high availability solution. For an entry point into the complexity of high availability in conjunction with linux, see the site. To guard against layer two (switch) and layer one (cable) failure, a machine can be configured with multiple physical connections to separate switch devices while presenting a single logical interface to userspace.
The name of the interface can be specified by the user. It is
commonly bond0
or something similar. As a
logical interface, it can be used in routing tables and by
The bond interface, when created, has no link layer address. In the example below, an address is manually added to the interface. See Example 2.12, “Link aggregation bonding” for an example of the bonding driver reporting setting the link layer address when the first device is enslaved to the bond (doesn't that sound cruel!).
Example 2.13. High availability bonding
Immediately noticeable, there is a new flag in the ip link
show output. The MASTER
flags clearly report the nature of the
relationship between the interfaces. Also, the Ethernet interfaces
indicate the master interface via the keywords master
Note also, that all three of the interfaces share the same link layer
address, 00:80:c8:e7:ab:5c